Kevin Cordi
Columbus, OH, USA
"Cordi has made it his crusade to teach the value of a storytelling legacy." — The National Storytelling Network
For over twenty-seven years, Kevin has not only told stories on a national and international platform, but uses stories to help others find meaning in their work, school, and personal lives. He has told stories in over forty states, England, Scotland, Singapore, Canada, Japan and in Qatar. Kevin shares stories with a highly energetic, animated and interactive style and is considered by many storytelling professionals as one of the most influential and dynamic storytellers and teachers today. His award-winning story work has been commissioned by The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, American Library Association, National Storytelling Network, Newsweek, and the Qatar Foundation International.
He is the author of You Don’t Know Jack: A Storyteller Goes to School (2019, University of Mississippi Press) and Playing with Stories: Story Crafting for Writers, Teachers, and Other Imaginative Thinkers (2014, Parkhurst Brothers) and Raising Voices: Creating Youth Storytelling Groups and Troupes. (2003, Libraries Unlimited.)
"As an organizer of an event that incorporates 20,000 guests, if you are looking for a performer who can enchant audiences, call Kevin."
— Catherine Paparella, Program Director