Judy A. Clapper
Hello! My name is Judy Clapper, and I'm a Storyteller with an Improvisation (Improv) background. Some of my favorite Storytelling
genres include:
Fractured Fairy Tales (which can also include some Comedic Storytelling elements)
Braided Tales &
Personal Narratives
I also enjoy telling stories from all kinds of genres, and am a life-long learner, so I’m always willing to learn and try new things! And, I give back to the Art of Storytelling by leaving "seeds of learning" on my Facebook Storyteller page --https://www.facebook.com/JudyTellsStories
Also, my website is: https://www.JudyTellsStories.com (For the most up to date information, and resources, tips, etc., please follow my Facebook Storyteller page).
If you'd like to e-mail me for a Storytelling request, or just to say hello, you can reach me at: JudyTellsStories@gmail.com
Thank you, and I am looking forward to hearing from you!